Growth Mindset

 The name "growth mindset" sounded familiar when I first saw it. I vaguely remember going over this in one of my other classes. Carol Dweck is an amazing person and has a huge heart for children and the learning process. I like the fact that she wants to instill self confidence in the youth so they can know who they are and achieve their goals. When watching her Ted Talk, I found myself agreeing and disagreeing with her throughout the video. I particularly am not a huge fan of parts of her "not yet" idea. I think that if someone fails a class, they should fail the class and not be let down easy with a "not yet." This might sound harsh, but I think not having the option of failing would cause some people to do less than sufficient work and not think twice about it. I also think that we learn a lot from failure. Personally, failure makes me want to work harder and be better; however, I know that is not the case for everyone. One thing she pointed out that I liked a lot was the idea of making things a process with goals and rewards along the way. I love this strategy because it makes the student want to keep working and doing better. Furthermore, the idea that effort and difficulty build stronger connections and make the student smarter is very true if the student wants to work. I love this because with her process, she makes the student want to work, then she teaches them how to work harder to become better. Overall, I like the idea behind growth mindset and the success it has had shows that most people like it as well. 

(Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset: Edgalaxy)


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