Topic Brainstorm
I would like to possibly make giants my topic because I find them very interesting and I think there is a lot of cool things I could write about regarding giants. Because giants have a magical feel to them, I feel like I could have a really fun time writing stories about them or possibly people playing with the giants. I think there is a ton of room for creativity when it comes to writing and learning about giants and I think this would be a really fun topic to dive into. When reading some storybooks and other stories on giants I was very interested in them because the stories made them seem so interesting and unique. Giants are incredible creatures that not everyone gets the opportunity to learn about and that is why I am so intrigued by them.
Creation Stories:
I find creation to be very interesting and mysterious. I love that creation stories is such a broad term which allows for so much room for creativity. With this topic I can talk about creation of the world, creation of society, or I could even go as far as to talk about how people have created stories such as santa clause and the tooth fairy. One creation I think would be really interesting to write a story about is Disney. Disney is the king of creating stories and there is so much I could do with this topic. For the most part, I would focus on creation of the world and then continue my series to include creation of things in the world as the stories progress.
Moon Stories:
I would love to potentially do a storybook on moon stories because the moon itself is so mysterious. I love the conspiracy theory that man never went to the moon because it adds to the mysterious aspect of the moon. I think there is so much room for creativity with stories when it comes to the moon. The moon is so undiscovered I think we could make up anything and it would be interesting. Furthermore, when we talk about the moon we are talking about space and that brings up the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Adding aliens to the mixture of moon stories could result in some really interesting ideas.
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