Week 4 Story: Creation
In the beginning there was nothing and the earth was filled with darkness. One day, God decided that he would make the earth full and have life. After 7 days of creating the earth, God decided to create a man. He gathered the dust and wind and created a man from his own creation. The Lord had created a beautiful garden full of any food the man could ever dream of. The man lived in paradise and one day God decided to make him a companion. On this day, God took a rib from the man and created a woman. Her name was Eve. The two would do everything together and had the entire Garden of Eden to themselves. In these simple times, God only had one rule for the both of them. The rule was to never eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This seemed like a simple task; however, it is human nature to want things you are told not to have. One day, satan took form as a slithery snake and tricked the woman into eating the forbidden fruit. After the woman ate the fruit, she convinced Adam to take a bite of this fruit. Before eating the fruit, both man and woman lived in the garden naked and were not ashamed. After eating the fruit, the man and woman were embarrassed that they had no clothing on and rushed behind the bushes to cover up their privates. The Lord came down from the Heaven's and scolded them for eating the forbidden fruit. They were banished from the garden and told they could never return. This seemed extreme to Adam and Eve but they had no other option and were forced into the vastness of the earth all on their own. God did make them promise that no beast would eat them so they had some safety. After a few years of living on their own, God decided that they had served their time and out of the Greatness of his heart, He let them back into the Garden as long as they promised they would never go against His word again.
Bibliography: "The Creation" King James Bible Genesis
Author's Note: I took inspiration from the original story and aligned the majority of this story with the actual story. However, I did add a twist at the end because I wish this is what would have happened. In the original, God banishes them from the Garden of Eden and has an angel watching it with a flaming staff and a massive flaming gate. In my version, God banishes Adam and Eve but allows them to return later to be in his presence and live a happy sin free life. This is what I wish would have happened because if this were the case, the world would have no problems and would be very peaceful.
Robbie, I enjoyed your retelling of the story of Creation; it was simple, but to the point, and you also offered an alternative ending, which was creative! Though I personally haven't read the bible, and can't say much on it, I agree that it would be cool to see how things would have turned out if things happened as your ending did. Of course, we'll never know, but that's why we have stories like yours!
ReplyDeleteI like the spin that you did for the creation story. I like to think that there could have been more forgiveness given for having some doubt. It was really enjoyable to read and I am very thankful for the chance that I had to read it. I thought it was an awesome twist and to think about the ramifications would have been if it was the case.