Week 8 reading and writing

 Looking back on my work, I am very satisfied with my stories. When I write my stories, I put a lot of effort into each of them and I try to make them educational and fun to read. Some of my stories are better than others. I think my favorite story that I have written is Sindbad. I had a lot of fun writing this story and look forward to writing more stories like it. I like writing stories in the first person and will try to do that more in the future. I also like reading stories that are in the first person mainly because I find narrators to be very boring. I was never a huge fan of reading but this class has taught me how to enjoy reading and writing. 

I chose this image because I think it sums up my stories pretty well. As I went back through my stories, I noticed a lot of them feature animals. I did not intend on this happening, but I think it is pretty cool that I subconsciously chose so many stories that have animals as main characters or big parts of the story. 


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